Source code for sivicncdriver.ui.preprocessor

The preprocessor module

Provides the PreprocessorDialog class.
import os

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *

from sivicncdriver.ui.preprocessor_window import Ui_dialog
from sivicncdriver import settings
from sivicncdriver.settings import logger
from sivicncdriver.gcode import parse
from sivicncdriver.arc_calculator import arc_to_segments

[docs]class PreprocessorDialog(QDialog, Ui_dialog): """ The preprocessor dialog. """ def __init__(self, gcode, parent=None): """ The __init__ method. :param gcode: The gcode which is to be preprocessed. :param parent: Qt stuff. :type gcode: str """ super(PreprocessorDialog, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.setupUi(self) self.gcode = gcode self.original = gcode self.has_been_run_once = False self.btn_run_preproc.clicked.connect(self.run_preprocessor) self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.cancel) @pyqtSlot()
[docs] def run_preprocessor(self): """ Runs the preprocessor on the G-Code. """ self.remove_useless() self.has_been_run_once = True
[docs] def remove_useless(self): """ Remove useless things in the code according to the UI options. """ rm_nums = self.chk_del_num.isChecked() rm_comm = self.chk_del_comments.isChecked() minimize = self.chk_optimize_bounding_box.isChecked() if minimize: x,y = self.get_minimize_bounding_box() r = '' last_g00 = None line = 0 for i in parse(self.gcode): if 'M' in i['name'] or 'G' in i['name']: if not rm_nums and 'N' in i['args']: r += 'N' + str(int(i['args']['N'])) + ' ' r += i['name'] + str(int(i['value'])) + ' ' for a in i['args']: if (not minimize and a in 'XY') or (a in 'ZIJKF'): r += a + str(i['args'][a]) + ' ' elif minimize and a =='X': r += a + str(i['args'][a]-x) + ' ' elif minimize and a == 'Y': r += a + str(i['args'][a]-y) + ' ' if i['name'] == 'G' and i['value'] == 0: last_g00 = line r += '\n' line += 1 if 'comment' in i['args'] and not rm_comm: logger.debug(i) r += '(' + i['args']['comment'] + ')\n' line += 1 if last_g00: r = r.split('\n') r[last_g00] = 'G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000' r = '\n'.join(r) self.output.setText(r) self.gcode = r
[docs] def get_minimize_bounding_box(self): """ Computes a new origin for the drawing. """ min_x, min_y = 0,0 set_x, set_y = False, False x_o, y_o = 0,0 x,y = 0,0 z = 0 r = '' for t in parse(self.gcode): if t['name'] is not 'G': continue if 'Z' in t['args']: z = t['args']['Z'] if z > 0 or t['value'] not in (1,2,3) or not('X' in t['args'] or 'Y' in t['args']): x_o = t['args'].get('X', x_o) y_o = t['args'].get('Y', y_o) continue if 'X' in t['args']: x = t['args']['X'] if not set_x: min_x = x set_x = True if x < min_x: logger.debug("min_x becomes {x} from {t}".format(**locals())) min_x = min(min_x, x) if 'Y' in t['args']: y = t['args']['Y'] if not set_y : min_y = y set_y = True if y < min_y: logger.debug("min_y becomes {y} from {t}".format(**locals())) min_y = min(min_y, y) if t['value'] in (2,3): i = t['args'].get('I', 0) j = t['args'].get('J', 0) k = t['args'].get('K', 0) clockwise = (t['value'] == 2) for xc, yc in arc_to_segments((x_o, y_o), (i,j), (x,y), clockwise): print(xc, yc) if not set_x: min_x = xc set_x = True if not set_y: min_y = yc set_y = True if xc < min_x: logger.debug("min_x becomes {xc} from {t}".format(**locals())) if yc < min_y: logger.debug("min_y becomes {yc} from {t}".format(**locals())) min_x = min(min_x, xc) min_y = min(min_y, yc) x_o, y_o = x,y logger.debug("Minimizing by setting origin to {},{}".format(min_x,min_y)) return min_x, min_y
[docs] def accept(self): if not self.has_been_run_once: self.run_preprocessor() super(PreprocessorDialog, self).accept()
[docs] def cancel(self): self.gcode = self.original self.reject()